Fostering Information
You must love cats and understand their needs!
Fostering a cat or kitten can be a very rewarding experience. Many families foster as a way to teach their children about compassion and responsibility in a creative and collaborative way. Seniors foster to bring the love and sociability of a companion animal into their lives without the lifelong commitment of ownership. Many individuals foster because they are interested in adopting a cat. There’s no better way to find the right addition to your home than by taking in kittens or an adult cat and getting to know them first.
The payback?? –The love and appreciation that only a needy kitty can give!
The number of cats and kittens we are able to help depends only on the number of foster homes we have. Please consider volunteering for this rewarding and urgently needed position.
If you are interested or would like more information, please call or email info@kindredkitties.org. Kindred Kitties covers all veterinary expenses and provides the equipment necessary for you to foster in your home. Click here for a printable Foster Application. This form can be filled out on your computer and saved to your desktop or printed out. If you would like to email this filled out questionnaire to us, please do so! Our email address is info@kindredkitties.org. Fosters need to complete all information!
Ask us about them. If you can find it in your heart to give one or two of them a home for whatever their lifespan is. Kindred Kitties will cover the expense of veterinary care. These kitties can live a normal life for an unknown number of years.
How long will I be fostering?
How long depends on a number of factors, including the amount of socialization they need or if medical/behavioral attention is required. Most often, younger cats are adopted more quickly than older cats, but the general rule of thumb is that we expect a foster commitment of no less than five months for kittens. Kittens will remain in foster care until they are adopted or they reach five months of age. By that age if they aren’t adopted, they are considered for relocation to our Adoption Center, depending on space. Adoptable adult cats are also moved to our Adoption Center as space allows so the time commitment for fostering “teen” or adult cats could be anywhere from 3 weeks to a few months. We make every effort to complete adoptions as soon as possible.
What am I responsible for?
Meeting the basic needs of the cat or kitten in your care: food, water, litter, shelter, loving attention and affection. Kindred Kitties can provide you with the equipment, food and litter you need. Kindred Kitties also covers the cost of any veterinary care required by the foster kitty while in your home. At the time you begin fostering a kitty, you will be provided with information on what to do if you determine there is a need for veterinary care. Since we have all sorts of different cats and kittens…from all kinds of different situations, you need to be calm, loving and kind to the cats and kittens. The adjustment period is very important. Since many of the cats and kittens we rescue are strays, we often have little information about their past. A very important element of fostering is to help the cats gain trust in humans.When you feel the cat or kitten is ready for adoption, you will be expected to inform the Foster Care Coordinator and bring the kitty to Adoption Events at designated adoption times. It is also very important that Kindred Kitties gain your perspective on the kitty’s personality so that an appropriate “match” of kitty and adoptive person can be made.If you plan to be away for several days or a weekend, we ask that you arrange for a friend or pet sitter to look in on and care for your foster kitty. If you have an emergency situation, you would contact the Foster Care Coordinator immediately to arrange alternative care for the kitty.
Fostering: Good for the mind, Good for the soul!